Day case surgery | In-patient surgery
This delicate procedure is better done during the first 48 hours after delivery or between the third week and third month. After the age of three months the procedure is performed under general anesthesia.
![Correction of Circumcision](
Correction of Circumcision
This procedure is mostly performed for redundant skin covering the head of penis. In order to reduce pain and physiological stress, the patient undergoes general anesthesia and after the age of one year.
Hydrocele is a collection of fluid around the testes. It usually resolves spontaneously by the age of 1 year. Large hydrocele persistent more than 1 year or newly developed after that age may need surgical correction which is done as a day case. Usually hydroceles tend to be painless and show as a swollen scrotum.
![Inguinal Hernia](
Inguinal Hernia
It is a defect in the lower abdominal wall by which the intestine or ovary pass through it. 90% of these cases are seen in boys and 10% in girls. It is liable to complications mainly testicular and ovarian damage as well as intestinal obstruction. Treatment is surgical correction once detected and usually a day case surgery.
![Undescended Testes](
Undescended Testes
Absence of the testes from the scrotum. In 10% of the cases the testes will descend to its normal position in the scrotum within the first 4 months of life. Ideal age for treatment of undescended testes is between 6 and 12 months of age. Palpable undescended testes is treated either by hormonal injections or surgical correction. Impalpable undescended testes is treated by laparoscopy and discharged on the same day.
![Tongue Tie](
Tongue Tie
A condition of the fixation of the tongue to the floor of the mouth. It may affect the speech therefore it is usually corrected by the age of 10 months.
The urethral opening in hypospadias is proximal to its normal position on the undersurface of the penis. In Distal Hypospadias surgical correction is done between the age of 6 and 12 months. It is performed mainly for cosmetic purposes in one stage operation as a day case. In Proximal Hypospadias surgical correction is important for the normal function of urination and marriage. It may need several operations, each done as a day case surgery.
In-patient surgery
More complex surgeries performed by Prof. Tarek Hassan, include:
Anorectal malformation
Hirschsprung’s disease
Neonatal intestinal obstruction
Benign and malignant tumors
Congenital hydronephrosis